Miracle or Myth: Who is King?


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Adult bible study

Apr. 02, 2023

Palm Sunday: Who is King?

Scriptures: Matthew 21:1-11 / 1 Cor. 15:1-2

The Gospels reveal several (4 in total) reasons for the death of Jesus

  1. 4 reasons

    1. The manner in which He entered (like a King) the city of Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11)

    2. His action at the temple/ challenged the ruling priests (High Priest) 

      1. (Mk.11:15-18; Is. 56:7; 1 Kings 8:41-43; Jer. 7:11)

    3. Parable of the vineyard (Mk.12:1-2; Is.5:1-7)

    4. Unnamed woman (John 12:3 identifies her as Mary) performed an anointing set aside for the burial of the messiah (Mk.14:3-9)

  2. Entering the city in this way deliberately mimicked Solomon, David’s son, who one thousand years earlier rode the royal mule as part of his declaration of kingship (1 Kings 1:32-40). 

    1. This entry answered the ancient prophecy of the anticipated humble king (Zech. 9:9)

Argument from Authority: 1 Cor.15:1-2

Your faith is only meaningful if the object of your faith is meaningful.

Paul makes it clear that we are not allowed to identify ourselves as a Christian and deny the essential truths of the doctrine.