Spiritual Warfare-Session Nine


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6:30PM Adult bible study

Nov. 29, 2023

Spiritual Warfare Part 9 Worksheet 

Knowing His Voice

  1. Build your altar to Baal: 1 Kings 18:21-22,24,26-29

    1. Do you have a drought in your life? 

    2. All the things that have replaced or torn down the altars of God in your life, and you need to destroy  anything that is a hindrance between you and God, another way to say it, is anything that is causing you to not hear His voice.

    3. Obedience is a direct result of living out the Gospel  in our lives. 

  2. Rebuilt the altar: 1 Kings 18:30-32         

    1. God does not want your tasks and intelligence. 

    2. He requires your obedience.

  3. Elijah’s prayer: 1 Kings 18:36- 41

    1. God’s promises go far beyond the immediate situation 

    2. 1 Kings 19:1-4, 9-18

    3. The Power of God

    4. The miraculous is necessary; it is not optional. Paul could not have said, “I fully preach the Gospel,” if he had not demonstrated the power of God.

      1. 1 Cor. 2:1-5

    5. We have a choice: Are we going to put our faith in the wisdom of human beings or in the supernatural power of God? Those who put their faith in education and learning never have a solid foundation for their faith. Those who have tasted the power of God by personal experience, however, have seen the verification of His Word. They know personally the One in whom they have believed. 

      1. Real faith must be based on the supernatural power of God.

    6. The intellectual approach will always undermine the faith of God’s people. This is precisely what has happened in the Church for many decades. 

      1. Many intellectually trained professors and seminarians are perfectly sincere, but even as Billy Graham said, “it is possible to be sincere and be sincerely wrong. 

      2. God has not asked the ministers of the Church of Jesus Christ to sit in judgment of the Word of God; we are to demonstrate it. The Gospel is not a set of theories; it is the remedy for human need. When humanity sees their needs met through the Gospel, then they will obey it. 

    7. A vivid Old Testament picture for this phase is found in Ezekiel’s vision in the valley of dry bones. It is a prophecy of the restoration and regathering of God’s people, which applies to the nation of Israel. 

    8. Getting Involved

    9. The Lord engaged Ezekiel, asking him a penetrating question.

      1. God said to Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?”

      2. Ezekiel replied, “O Lord God, You know.”

      3. Today, it’s the same thing, God is still inviting us to share in His plan and purposes.

    10. Ezekiel 37:1-10

      1. By the time God had finished His work, the scattered bones had become a great army. Today God is bringing forth an army out of the scattered bones. In the process there will be a lot of noise, shaking and disturbance. Some people may say, “Don’t rock the boat.” God however, has created the noise of and rattling to shake His people out of their complacency. 

      2. Coming Together.

      3. People who are being touched by God’s Spirit are beginning to move.

      4. We see Paul’s instruction to the church in Corinth when he says: 

      5. 1 Cor. 12:12, 14-15, 21

      6. Paul is telling us we need one another, and since that is true we must rightly relate to one another and be properly fitted together. This is the final phase that prepares the Church to confront the powers of darkness. 

    11. Paul gives a picture of this in Ephesians 4:16

      1. Christ is the head of the Church, he writes: “From whom the Whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for edifying of itself in love.”

    12. Notice: The body edifies the body. This can only happen when every part is in the right place, properly fitted together with the other parts, and properly fulfilling its function.