May 22, 2024
Daniel 12:1-13 Bible Study Worksheet
Be _______________ by God’s protection (12:1)
The archangel Michael is a ministering Angel that will ___________ His involvement in the last days as he wages war against Satan. (Rev. 12:7-12)
Be Ready for Trouble and _____________ Persecution (12:1,7).
“All who want to live godly lives in Christ will be persecuted.” - (2 Tim. 3:12)
Living as a holy people, even if we are shattered, broken in pieces, must be a vital part of our discipleship.
Count on God to ___________ His People (12:1).
There will be a time of unprecedented __________ coming for God’s people.
Not to worry according to the Angel Gabriel, because “At that time your people shall be ____________.”
Who are Daniel’s people?
“Everyone whose name shall be written in the book”
Reference to the Book of Life (Rev. 20:12, 15), the Lambs book of life (Rev. 13:8; 21: 27).
God will rescue His people.
_________ in the Resurrection (12:2, 10).
An increase of wickedness.
This wickedness is __________ in through a period of intense suffering and persecution.
Are we in this period of final and intense persecution?
What are some signs and symptoms of this intense period?
Paul wrote to Timothy about the last days (2 Tim. 3:1-5).
Lovers of ______ - Narcissism
Lover’s of ________ - Materialism.
Boastful, _________, Abusive - is “letting it all hang out.”
Disobedience to parents - we call “the generation gap.”
This is _____________ in comparison to a growing knowledge of God.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all ___________ of the Holy One is understanding.”
So what happens if the knowledge of God is neglected or spurned?
The wicked will spurn it on through the downfall of spiritual, moral, and physical debasement.
In each instant, “ God gave them over to their desire.” which reveals the rejection of knowing God.
Sexual _________
Shameful ________
Depraved ________
We justify these vices by saying things like: “_____-expression,” “_________ growth,” “an alternative lifestyle,” “Freedom of __________.”
Live __________ and Point Others to Jesus (12:3).
Following the way of Righteousness.
The point of this chapter is to encourage God’s people to _________ in the midst of evil. How?
The People of God are to live by faith in God and by the knowledge of God given in His written revelation.
To live a life by faith in God is the first _________ of the knowledge of God in the last days.
Becoming purified, __________, and refined.
This speaks of actual personal righteousness of God’s people.
Treasure God’s Word and _________ in Your Understanding of It (12:4).
There is an emphasis on understanding
A _______ of understanding by the wicked and a ________ for understanding by the righteous.
Natural Law
A general understanding: That we are to _______ evil and _________ good. (Right and Wrong)
V.4 “Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
In the last days people will embark on a _________ of knowledge, thinking that it will lead to understanding, but they will not find it.
Patiently Trust That God _______ End Things at the Right Time (12: 5-9).
“The man dressed in linen” (5-6)
This is the glorified son of God, robed in his priestly _____________.
An angel asks, “how long will these things last once they start.
Even the Angels in Heaven do not ________ when these things will come to a close. This reaffirms what Jesus said in Mark 13:32
Ligon Duncan: “When evil has done its worst, we are told, as soon as [it finishes] shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be complete. When evil has done its worst and the hopes of the people of God seem shattered, then God will act. The grim work of the oppressors will roll on and on and on. But at the appropriate moment God will intervene. (“Blessed Is the One who waits”)
Pursue Holiness and Rejoice in Its _________ (12:10).
Things that we know and things we don’t know about eschatology.
Some Things God has chosen to not ___________ to mankind.
With _____________ we can know how we are to live in light of the Son of Man’s coming in the End Times.
There is good news.
God will see to it that in the days of great trouble, that His people who will be raised to “everlasting life, will be _________, cleansed and refined.” (v.10)
Not to mention that we know that the _________ will act wickedly, that none of the wicked will understand, but only the wise will come to understand.
The wicked will remain in their _____________, but the Lord’s wise people will discern the issues of the times, and what it will cost them.
Endure to the End, ____________ It Is Worth It (12: 11-13).
Personal word for Daniel
Lord promises to bless those who __________ and persevere through these difficult and troubling times of opposition and persecution.
Things will move ahead as he has decreed, and things will also end as he has decreed. There is wonderful hope and assurance even if there remains _____________ concerning the particularities.